This halloween pranks video is also a day in life of two roommates on halloween. First funny prank idea is a balloon prank. Draw a face on the balloon and stick it to the ceiling so it hangs right above your friend's face. Your friend will get shocked, right when they wake up! Cool pranks for siblings, girlfriends and friends are to stick the slippers to the floor or apply some paint on the bottom side of the door handle! Bathroom pranks are always funny and you will learn quite a few of them in this prank wars video. Make a scarry towel with red hand marks to scare your parents or siblings.
A great prank to do at home or an idea on pranks for back to school is to apply red acrylic paint on the faucet. When your school mates will want to wash their hands or brush their teeth, they will be in for a scarry surprise. One of my favorite pranks is a scarry shower prank on girlfriend, siblings or parents. Apply some red paint in the shower hose. The next person, who's going to take a shower will receive a red shower shock.
Food pranks are always fun and I will show you quite a few of them in my prank wars video. Make prank cupcakes to trick your friends and family or take them to school and fool your classmates. Simply use a white toothpaste instead of frosting and prank cupcakes are ready to serve. If you are planning a movie night, make it fun and entertaining with prank pop corn. Mix together salt, pepper and a bit of oil. Place it on a pop corn and wait until your friend grabs it. Rude trick or treaters visiting you this halloween? No problem, treat them with delicious cake pops made with brussel sprouts. Yummy!
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